Thursday, October 1, 2009


It's been long that she has actually been the way she wanted to be. She laughed, danced and roamed as if it was her last day on earth.

Somewhere down she wanted to escape the wrath and fury of all that looked beautiful, pleasurable and jazzy, coz somewhere down she knew all that looked good had the darkest contours within.

Yes, she knew that the realization had dawned late, it was too late for her to accept that "nothing but opposite strikes", and this is what she wants to hold on all through. She somehow always managed to console herself with sweet words, knowing those were as meaningless, but this time she was sure she wont let the days pass by as the days that were already gone.

She bid her parents "the-all-Smile-and-Happy" Goodbye to turn around soon and be part of the gang whose giggles were tearing apart the grave silence of bidding adieu?

She laid in the bed as a stone remembering her mother's lap when she had a high fever, though would never let that precious pearl drop fall off her eyes???!!!!

She laughed at the joke her friends cracked regarding her being betrayed by someone she adored????

She just hung up the phone silently on realizing that the voice on the other side suddenly went low as she introduced herself???

Well, and many many more such instances where she reacted the way just to put up a "Strong-Self", little did she had an idea that the "Portrayed-Strong-Self" was one of her attempt to make the "Opposites Strike", which actually killed her.


AppuApe said...

Poetic.... and i believe dilemmas are quite poetic....
again a striking resemblence to self.....
and though a dilemma....
isn't the portrayed self as amuch a part of your inside as the undisclosed self?
Virtuality thy name is projection!

Great one!

NR said...

Very nice...well written!!

Swagatokti said...
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Swagatokti said...

I have a feeling that something very deep is changing inside you these days. Is it just me? or is something really happening, Supriya?

Sucharita Sarkar said...

That was enigmatic. A fiction, or a mirror?

sujata sengupta said...

was this fiction, quite intriguing

sarmistha said...

lovd this post...dont wanna discuus y over here...just let me give you a hug...

Unknown said...

sweetheart, i hope u are alright. u sound quite strange, perhaps bcz this is the first time u sound like this.
do remember, i am always there to listen

Aparna said...

Are you writing fiction? Did not see any fiction label.
Whatever it is, this seemed very deep but disturbing.
Take care.

ani_aset said...

Is it just pure fiction? you got many people concerned here

Supriya Dutta said...

@ appu: thanks dude.. :)keep visiting. :)

@NR: thank u soo much :)..

@Swagatokti: dnt stress urself with such horrid thoughts... :)

@Sucharita & Sujata: Let it be called Fact, its strnger i guess....:)

@Sarmistha: Love u..thanks..:)

@amu: ok thn next time i will also bring a hearing aid..for u.. :)

@Aparna: Forgot to label it...could figure out myself ... :) thanks..:)

@ani: yeaa..thanks..ur comment reminded me of the trauma i have casted on many... :)

Supriya Dutta said...

correction @ Aparna: couldn't figure out myself.. :)

Haddock said...

Like some one said, deep and disturbing.

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